Start Saving: 3 Reasons to Maximize Your Dental Benefits  

December 6, 2024

dental insurance paperwork and glasses

Depending on your dentist, they may send emails or notices about making sure you use your available dental insurance benefits before the end of the year. This message may come with urgency, especially if it arrives with only weeks left in December. But why? What is so important about using your dental benefits right now? Keep reading to learn 3 reasons why you won’t want to wait until January to schedule your next appointment.

Your Benefits Expire at the End of the Year

Most dental insurance plans are built to be effective for one calendar year. This means that from January to December you can use the available funds provided by your insurer to take care of your oral health.

If you do not take advantage of these dollars, they will be returned to the insurance company at midnight on December 31, and you’ll lose out on the money included as part of your plan – the one you pay for each month through your premium.

To keep this from happening, make sure to ask your dentist about ways to get the most out of your benefits before it’s too late.

You’ll Have to Pay a New Deductible Next Year

Since dental benefits do not roll over year to year, you should also expect your deductible to reset to $0 on January 1. This means you will need to meet this dollar amount before you can expect your insurer to start paying their share of your bills.

The reason this component is so important is that you can save more by moving forward with costlier treatment now as opposed to waiting until 2025. If your dentist suggests a root canal or tooth extraction, don’t wait until next year. Go ahead with the procedure now and let your insurance company pay more of the total bill.

Most companies will pay up to 80% for minor restorative care, such as filling or simple tooth extractions, and up to 50% for major restorative care, like dental crown placement or custom dentures. Naturally, they’ll check your existing annual maximum before deciding how much they’ll pay, but you can still expect to save significantly by moving forward with this type of treatment now.

You Can Receive Preventive Care at No Cost to You

If you have yet to meet with your dentist for your second dental checkup and cleaning for the year, don’t waste any more time. Call and get in before time is up. Most insurance plans offer 80-100% coverage for preventive services, like dental exams and cleanings, X-rays, and even fluoride treatment.

You can avoid paying out of pocket for these visits, allowing you to focus your spending on gifts for the holidays while maintaining a healthier, more radiant smile.

Knowing how to use your available benefits to your advantage may require the help of your trusted dental team, so don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance. With their guidance, you can prepare to give your smile the attention it deserves as well as save big on all your oral healthcare needs.

About the Practice
At Meadowbrook Dentistry, our team knows how important it is for you and your family to have access to affordable oral healthcare. This is why we work closely with various dental insurance companies to serve as an in-network provider for multiple plans. Our staff will be happy to review your plan and discuss ways to maximize your benefits so that you don’t lose out on available funds before the end of the year. If you would like to learn more about any last-minute savings you can receive, visit our website or call (516) 346-5655.